Privacy Policy

Cathay FHC Privacy Policy

 Thank you for visiting the website (, hereinafter the site) of Cathay Financial Holdings (Cathay FHC).
Cathay FHC and its subsidiaries collect, process, and use your personal data in accordance with the “Personal Data Protection Act,” the “Financial Holding Company Act,” the “Regulations Governing Administration of the Collective Marketing in Inter-Subsidiaries Company of a Financial Holding Company,” the "Cathay FHC Personal Data Management Policy," and other relevant laws and regulations.
Additionally, Cathay FHC requires that all employees of Cathay FHC and its subsidiaries, as well as third parties such as partner vendors and external units involved in industry-academic collaborations (within the scope of cooperation with Cathay FHC), comply with the “Personal Data Protection Act” and the "Cathay FHC Privacy Policy" to protect your privacy.
In order to ensure your secure use of the services on the site, and to be transparent about how the site collects, uses, and protects the personal information you provide, we hereby provide our privacy policy as follows:
I. Purpose and Usage Policy for Personal Data Collection
Personal information collected by Cathay FHC will be used for the purposes specified at the time of collection, including, but not limited to, providing services and promotional/event information, data analysis and processing, compliance with legal and contractual obligations, other legally permitted purposes, as well as litigation, non-litigation, arbitration or other dispute resolution. The information will not be used for any purpose other than that stated at the time of collection. For information on the purposes, recipients, and timing of the use of personal information collected by Cathay FHC, please refer to the relevant websites. Please see below for examples of data use:
  • The personal data collected by Cathay FHC will be used to notify you of our latest software updates and upcoming events. If you do not wish to be included in our distribution list, you can change your preferences at any time.
  • Cathay FHC may use personal data to create, develop, operate, deliver, and improve the services and promotions of Cathay FHC and its affiliates, or use personal data for damage prevention and anti-fraud purposes.
  • Cathay FHC may use personal data, including your date of birth, to verify your identity, help identify users, and determine appropriate services.
  • Cathay FHC may use personal data to send you important notices as needed, such as changes to our terms and conditions. You will not be able to opt-out from receiving such critical communications because they are essential to your interaction with Cathay FHC.
  • Cathay FHC may use personal data for internal and/or external purposes, such as data analysis, research, or academic collaborations with external entities, to improve the services of the FHC and its subsidiaries.
  • If you provide personal data to participate in sweepstakes, contests, or online activities, Cathay FHC will use the data for purposes such as responding to questions, notifying sweepstake results, or conducting business and market analysis. When announcing sweepstakes results, Cathay FHC will anonymize your data to protect your privacy.
  • Cathay FHC also collects data that does not directly or indirectly identify any specific individual. Please see below for examples of data use:
  • We may collect information about your occupation, language, postal code, area code, UUID, referring website, and location to better understand user behavior and to improve the services and advertisements of Cathay FHC and its subsidiaries.
  • Cathay FHC may collect information about your activities on our websites and services. Cathay FHC aggregates this information to provide you with more relevant content and to analyze interest in our website and services.
II. Categories of Personal Data
When you use this site or Cathay FHC's services, Cathay FHC may ask you to provide personal data such as your name, national identification number, address, phone number, date of birth, occupation, language, email address, or other relevant information. Additionally, Cathay FHC maintains records that are automatically generated by our servers when you browse or conduct queries on this site. These records include but are not limited to, the IP address of your connecting device, browsing patterns, browser type, time of use, and records of your browsing and interaction with the site.
You are under no obligation to provide any personal information requested by Cathay FHC. However, failure to provide such information may result in our inability to offer you certain products or complete services or to effectively respond to your inquiries.
III. Retention Period of Personal Data
Cathay FHC and its subsidiaries retain personal data for a period of five years as a general rule. However, where relevant legislation requires a different retention period, or where it is necessary for business purposes, or where an individual contract requires a different retention period, such exceptions will apply. Unless a longer retention period is required by law, we will only retain your personal information for as long as is necessary to fulfill the purposes described in this privacy policy.
Once the specific purpose has been fulfilled or the retention period has expired, Cathay FHC will delete, stop processing, or stop using your personal data in accordance with the regulations.
IV. Exercise of Rights
You may exercise the following rights regarding your personal data through the service channels established by Cathay FHC and its subsidiaries (including but not limited to telephone, email, etc.; for example, the email address for exercising your rights with Cathay FHC is or other designated entities, unless otherwise specified by law:
  • Request to inquire or review your personal data.
  • Request a copy of your personal data.
  • Request to supplement or correct your personal data.
  • Request to cease the collection, processing, or use of your personal data.
  • Request the deletion of your personal data.
V. Use of Cookies and Privacy Policy
To provide you with better and more personalized services, facilitate your participation in interactive activities, and allow Cathay FHC to understand and manage site usage (including but not limited to analyzing the number of visitors, website traffic, user distribution, product/service interest, activity trends, and usage patterns), we use first-party and third-party cookies, beacons (Web beacons, Beacon API, etc.), and similar technologies (collectively referred to as "cookies"). These tools help us improve the service quality of the site, provide customized marketing information or advertisements that match your needs or interests, and track their effectiveness by recording, accessing, and collecting data on your online behavior.
If your browser, installed application, or device allows, you can block, delete, or disable cookies at any time (see instructions below for browser settings). For example, you can change your cookie acceptance preference in your browser to accept all cookies, be notified when cookies are set, or reject all cookies. However, if you choose to block all cookies, you may not be able to use certain personalized services or participate in certain activities.
Online behavior data includes information generated from your activity when visiting the site, other websites, and social network platforms, regardless of their connection to the site (including, but not limited to, IP address, cookie ID and its contents, UUID, domain name, device information, time of use, browser type, language settings, geographic location, operating system, server records, webpage search/browse/select records, usage patterns, and information or labels provided by partnering vendors after analyzing data obtained under their name).
The above online behavioral data will be made available to Cathay FHC and its subsidiaries, as well as third parties or partner vendors commissioned for the above purposes for the duration of the purpose. This data is automatically or manually collected, processed, transferred internationally, and used domestically and overseas. However, without your consent, only non-identifiable data will be collected, processed, transferred internationally, and used.
Reminder: When you visit or browse other websites and social network platforms, these sites may collect your personal information, and you will be subject to their respective privacy policies. If you need to adjust your cookie settings, please refer to the official instructions for your browser:
For optimal site performance, please ensure that cookies are enabled. If you wish to disable cookies, please change the settings on your browser.
VI. Policy for Sending Commercial Information or Emails
To enhance our overall service offering, content sent from this site may include services or promotional events offered by other companies. Cathay FHC will provide adequate disclosure during such events, and you are free to choose whether or not to accept the specific service or event. While you are viewing information about such events, we guarantee that we will not share any of your personal information collected on this site or by Cathay FHC with any third party without your consent. The site will send you commercial information or e-mails after obtaining your prior consent or consent obtained during registration. We will identify the sender in the information or e-mail and provide a method, description, or link so that you can opt out of receiving the information or e-mail at any time.
VII. Third Party Disclosure
Cathay FHC may share your specific personal data with third parties (including third-party vendors providing products and services in partnership with Cathay FHC) for information processing, service provision, and to conduct relevant surveys. This sharing excludes third-party commercial marketing activities and is limited to the minimum necessary in compliance with applicable laws:
  • With your prior consent or authorization.
  • When required by government authorities exercising statutory duties or non-governmental entities fulfilling legal obligations through formal legal procedures (e.g., tax authorities, judicial authorities, or other investigative bodies with legal authority).
  • When necessary for the promotion of the public interest.
  • To prevent or eliminate danger to the life, body, freedom, or property of the individual concerned.
  • To prevent significant harm to the rights and interests of others.
  • When necessary for statistical or academic research by government agencies or academic institutions to serve the public interest, and the provider has processed or collected the information in a way that does not identify individuals.
  • When sharing your information with third parties (including suppliers) is necessary to provide you with other services or benefits, the site will provide sufficient disclosure and notification during the event to allow you to freely choose whether to accept the service or benefit.
  • As explicitly required by other laws.
Additionally, Cathay FHC will strictly require third-party vendors that provide products and services to comply with the "Personal Data Protection Act" and the provisions of the privacy policy and to fulfill confidentiality obligations. Cathay FHC will also implement necessary inspection procedures to ensure their compliance.
VIII. Protection of Children’s Privacy
Cathay FHC takes additional preventive measures to protect the privacy and safety of children and to ensure their right to use the services on the site. Cathay FHC will not knowingly collect personal data from children under the age of 12 (or the equivalent minimum age in the relevant jurisdiction) without the consent of their verified legal representative or guardian. A child's legal representative or guardian may request to review, correct, or delete their child's information. Cathay FHC will also ensure the confidentiality, security, and integrity of the children's information collected.
Since Cathay FHC's website cannot determine whether the personal information collected belongs to a minor or has the consent of the minor's legal representative, if you are concerned that the website may have collected personal information from a minor without the consent of the minor's legal representative or other legal basis, please contact us using the contact information provided in this Privacy Policy. Cathay FHC will take appropriate action.
IX. Client Data Sharing Services
  1. Cathay FHC and its subsidiaries comply with the provisions of the "Guidelines for Data Sharing between Financial Institutions" and other relevant regulations in sharing customer data through a special mechanism ("the Mechanism"). The objective is to develop a friendly fintech ecosystem, expand the application of scenario-based finance, provide more convenient services to customers, leverage the group's operational potential, improve risk management for individual customers and the overall group, facilitate group-wide interdepartmental cooperation, etc. (A list of departments participating in the Mechanism has been provided, and changes to the list due to changes in the organization, cooperation or scope of data sharing will be announced immediately).
  2. In addition to data-sharing permissions granted by other laws and regulations, the data collected under the Mechanism are obtained with the customer's consent, explicitly agreed upon in various contractual documents signed by the customer, or derived from publicly available information. For any customer data or public information that poses a potentially detrimental impact to the customer, necessary verification or additional measures to enhance protection will be taken (including but not limited to cross-referencing or requesting further clarification). We strictly adhere to the principles of treating customers fairly.
  3. All shareable customer data is securely stored in dedicated databases. In the future, if necessary, the data may be entrusted to a third party for processing or storage in accordance with the law. Appropriate management measures will be taken in compliance with the law. The use of shared data is subject to authorization and access control based on business responsibilities. Data-sharing operations can only be conducted in accordance with the established management system and within the scope permitted by applicable laws and regulations. Access is strictly prohibited for all unauthorized individuals.
    Members participating in the Mechanism employ SSL encryption or other methods to ensure customer data security. In addition to using secure software and hardware devices for data transmission, measures are taken to securely store passwords and install firewalls to prevent unauthorized access by third parties or unauthorized internal use.
  4. Customers have the right to notify each department of the Mechanism to stop or suspend the sharing of all or part of their relevant information at any time. Upon receiving such notification, each department will process the request within three business days in accordance with the customer's instructions.
  5. Customers may contact the toll-free service hotlines of each department at any time regarding disputes arising from preferential benefits of data-sharing services provided jointly or individually by participating members, concerns about unfair treatment in the utilization of shared data, or any other questions or suggestions. Each department will promptly handle complaints and reports in accordance with internal procedures.
X. Privacy Protection Measures and Commitment
Cathay FHC prioritizes the security of your personal information and fulfills its responsibility to protect it by implementing the following measures:
  1. Cathay FHC controls data access permissions to ensure that only authorized personnel can use your information within the limits necessary to prevent its dissemination. All relevant personnel are bound by confidentiality obligations, and violations are subject to disciplinary action.
  2. This site uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption technology to protect the information you provide and to prevent interception by third parties during transmission.
  3. Cathay FHC is committed to providing a secure information environment, including but not limited to establishing firewalls, intrusion detection and protection systems, antivirus mechanisms, encryption technology, user identification systems (such as passwords and personal accounts), and access control mechanisms to control access to personal data. Cathay FHC also has physical security measures such as building access control and security systems in place, as well as backup mechanisms to ensure data preservation in emergencies or disasters.
  4. Cathay FHC implements data collection, processing and use management procedures to ensure that relevant operations remain compliant with legal requirements and exemptions. For example, we adhere to the provisions of the "Cathay FHC Personal Data File Security Maintenance Plan and Personal Data Handling Procedures after Business Termination" and the "Mandatory Disclosure Regarding Use of Personal Data" in disclosing the objective of the collection, processing, and use of personal data, as well as the recipients of such data. We minimize data processing based on necessity, relevance, and proportionality while maintaining data accuracy and timely updates.
  5. Cathay FHC uses internal controls and audits, as well as external privacy certification mechanisms, to ensure the proper protection of your personal data.
  6. While Cathay FHC implements appropriate security measures to protect your information, it also relies on your vigilance and cooperation:
    For example, do not share credentials or passwords with others or use shared credentials. Properly store your login credentials, passwords and personal information to prevent third parties from accessing your information. If you log in to use the services provided on our site, be sure to log out when you are finished. If you are using someone else's computer or a public computer, set your browser's privacy options to a high level to disable cookies and other browsing history features to prevent others from accessing your information.
    To ensure the security of your personal data, Cathay FHC has communicated these privacy and security guidelines to its internal staff and strictly enforces privacy protection measures within the company.
XI. Revision to the Privacy Policy
In order to protect users' personal data and maintain online privacy, Cathay FHC may update the site's privacy policy at any time to reflect changes in the law and the latest technological advances. We encourage you to review our most recent privacy policy and any changes the next time you visit the site.
XII. Contact Us
If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy or the use of your personal data, please contact us using one of the following channels:
Tel:(02) 2191-1050 #1711,#1712 (Marketing and Planning Department)
Fax:(02) 2325-2488

Release date: 2024/06/28