
Engagement and Material Issues
Cathay cares about stakeholder expectations and adheres to four principles for engagement: materiality, inclusivity, responsiveness, and impact to maintain smooth and effective communication with our nine major stakeholders. In addition, we identify material ESG issues, actively respond to stakeholder demands, and formulate long-term targets accordingly to expand our sustainability impacts.
Cathay cares about stakeholder expectations and adheres to four principles for engagement: materiality, inclusivity, responsiveness, and impact to maintain smooth and effective communication with our nine major stakeholders. In addition, we identify material ESG issues, actively respond to stakeholder demands, and formulate long-term targets accordingly to expand our sustainability impacts.

CS Issues Materiality Analysis Process

Cathay FHC conducts annual materiality analyses based on the "GRI Universal Standards 2021" and the "GRI 3: Material Topics 2021." The analyses also incorporate the double materiality concept from the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) as part of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). The materiality analysis methodology, based on impact, helps identify significant sustainability issues and develop stakeholder communication strategies and an internal sustainability strategy blueprint.
Cathay’s Materiality Analysis Process
Cathay's Materiality Matrix
Cathay’s achievements of Material Issues in 2023
Materiality assessment integrated in company's ERM process

Stakeholder Engagement

Cathay FHC engages with stakeholders in accordance with the four fundamental principles outlined in AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard (AA1000 SES): Materiality, Inclusivity, Responsiveness, and Impact. In the meantime, we identified nine major stakeholder groups with our sustainability blueprint designed to hone in on our sustainability strategies. We subsequently compiled the "Cathay FHC Stakeholder Engagement Strategies" to listen to, understand, and respond to stakeholder voices and concerns through multiple channels/mechanisms. We aim to establish mutual benefit and trust through continued communication and engagement.

Stakeholder Interaction Status

To ensure all material issues are enforced, the Cathay FHC CS Committee regularly reviews material issues and target setting, reporting stakeholder engagement to the Board of Directors annually.

Actively Engaging and Leading Industry Development

Cathay Financial Holdings clearly stipulates in the "Policy and Code of Operation Integrity" and the "Code of Conduct" that participation in public affairs should be conducted legally, and all donations should be disclosed truthfully and in accordance with the law. With the rapid development of digital financial technology, the financial industry faces competition not only from the technology sector and e-commerce platforms but also must address various emerging risks, such as population aging and climate change. By participating in affairs of associations and guilds, Cathay aims to foster industry consensus and contribute to industry development.

Meanwhile, Cathay is an active participating member in associations over the years. Cathay FHC President Chang-Ken Lee is the current director of the Bankers Association of Taipei. President of Cathay Life, Shan-Chi Liu, is the current Managing Supervisor of the Life Insurance Association of the Republic of China. Participation in key associations is a part of Cathay's effort to facilitate stronger collaboration between the industry and the government by formulating the relevant policies that will further the development of the financial sector.

2023 Cathay FHC Explanations for Public Participation and Policy Influence