
Cathay Financial Holdings

Establishment of
Cathay Financial Holdings
Cathay Financial Holding Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Cathay FHC”) was established on December 31, 2001 and was set up by the shareholders of the former Cathay Life Insurance through share swap. The stock of Cathay Life Insurance listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange was converted into the stock of Cathay FHC (stock code 2882) from the date of establishment.
The subsidiaries of Cathay FHC include Cathay Life Insurance, Cathay United Bank, Cathay Century Insurance, Cathay Securities, Cathay Securities Investment Trust, and Cathay Venture Inc.
Our global footprints cover China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Laos, Myanmar and other Asia-Pacific regions. Our business networks across the Greater China and ASEAN markets provide comprehensive financial services for both local and foreign clients.
Business Philosophy
As a leading financial institution in Taiwan, Cathay FHC plays a vital role in Taiwan's financial development. We believe that by continuously building a strong brand image and adhering to Cathay's principles of "customer-oriented, integrity, accountability, innovation, and openness," we will emerge as the most reliable and trusted financial company for our customers. These values serve as the driving force behind the sustainable growth of Cathay FHC, enabling us to contribute to social stability and foster positive development.

開放思維、 持續學習是國泰前進的動力

面對金融科技的迭代更新,國泰認為一味的為新而新、為快而快的創新是沒有意義的,國泰始終相信科技是為人的需求來服務的,追求能為客戶提供高 效率、真實解決問題,並且是良好使用者體驗的解決方案。


在這資訊透明化的社會,人與人關係疏離的世 代,唯有誠信才能建立穩健長久的情感、唯有負責才能使人安心與信賴。


真誠對待每一個人,不只把客戶當交易往來的 對象,更是真心想對他好的朋友並做好每一件 小事,讓人感受有溫度的服務,客戶滿意的同時,也贏得專業的尊重。


Continue to implement regional expansion with the goal of becoming a “Leading Financial Institution in the Asia-Pacific Region”

Cathay FHC will persevere in the vision of becoming a “leading financial institution in the Asia-Pacific region” and connect the greater Chinese and ASEAN markets to provide financial services and products for Taiwanese and foreign clients in both domestic and overseas markets. We will continue to create business opportunities that increase profits for our shareholders and create more business value for the group by capitalizing on our experience in financial development and the local operations supported by the resources of our local strategic partners. In addition, we will continuously strengthen our asset management business as the third pillar of the group’s development, continue to improve investment product lines and enhance managerial capabilities, and accelerate the group’s third engine of business growth by extending the reach of our asset management business from a global perspective.

Promote digital transformation and build an ecosystem of digital financial services

Cathay FHC employs three areas of focus—digitization, data, and technology—to create a data-driven culture, in which innovative technologies are used in various digital products and services and product development, service procedures, and internal management are transformed with a “What if We Could” mentality, and in turn increase product capacity, enhance customer experience, and improve operational efficiency. Cathay FHC’s digital transformation is now ecosystem-oriented, instead of technology-oriented. In the future, we will progressively complete Cathay FHC’s data infrastructure and connect it seamlessly to the data environment, and then join forces with business partners to build business collaboration models that would gradually integrate different application scenarios such as business travel, e-commerce, tourism, transportation, construction, and health care to create a mutually prosperous data ecological alliance with “Cathay as a Service (CaaS)”.

Optimize asset/liability allocation and management and create a solid foundation for sustainable operations

As Cathay FHC faces challenges from increasingly stringent financial monitoring systems and the ever changing global environment, Cathay FHC will steadily and cautiously respond to the potential impact that global political and economic changes have on the financial markets, continue to optimize asset/liability allocation and management to fortify the group’s overall capital structure, and lay a firm foundation for the sustainable operations of Cathay FHC.


Corporate image

Cathay 60
Cathay 60
You are braver than you think

Courage is not something we are born with. Instead, we have to develop a mentality of being willing to face our fears and challenges, overcome obstacles, and never give up even when we fail. Only then will we grow and transform with every step we take, to bravely make breakthroughs and step out of our comfort zone.

Similarly, Cathay also encountered many unknowns and challenges during the process of digital transformation, but we believe that as long as we keep our curiosity and open-mindedness, keep pace with the world, and act with agility, we can truly display the spirit of What if We Could and become a better company.

Courage is our most important driving force when we move towards the future and turn the impossible into the possible. You are braver than you think!

Competitive Advantages

On average, one out of every two people in Taiwan is a customer of Cathay FHC. Cathay FHC has established the most comprehensive service network and continues to upgrade the customer experience with financial innovation and strengthen operation performance with the goal of enhancing shareholders’ value

Nubmer of customers

15 millions+

Nubmer of emloyees

50,000 +

Total assets

12 billion+(NTD)

About Subsidiaries

Cathay Life Insurance Cathay Life Insurance

The No. 1 brand of life insurance in Taiwan, with the highest assets and premium income for many years. We are the first life insurance company in Asia to follow the UN’s “Principles for Sustainable Insurance (PSI)” and we hope to become a sustainable enterprise that brings stability and happiness to society.

Cathay United Bank Cathay United Bank

One of the leading private banks in Taiwan with the most branches in Taiwan. We have demonstrated outstanding performance in consumer banking and have the highest number of active credit cards in circulation. Cathay United Bank is also the leader in securities settlement services and wealth management.

Cathay Century Insurance Cathay Century Insurance

The top property insurance business in Taiwan, and a leader in a wide range of fields such as fire insurance and auto insurance. We continue to develop new information technology for applications and provide a 24/7 all-year-round service experience to customers with a more convenient and user-friendly transaction interface.

Cathay Securities Cathay Securities

Cathay Securities Corporation, bolstered by the digital transformation of the Group, has combined the group’s resources to continuously launch various financial services to assist customers in investment. The number of customers has reached 1 million and we have thereby become the leader in Taiwan’s digital securities services.

Cathay Securities Investment Trust Cathay Securities Investment Trust

The largest securities and investment trust company in Taiwan with the most assets under management. We have been dedicated to developing products like ETF and private equity funds in recent years, and will continue to launch even better financial management products that satisfy institutional as well as individual investors.

Cathay Securities Investment Consulting Cathay Securities Investment Consulting

Cathay Securities Investment Consulting has always upheld the concept of “always representing good funds” and has gradually introduced high-quality overseas funds. With a comprehensive and diversified product line of funds, Cathay Securities Investment Consulting can satisfy a diverse range of needs for asset allocations.