
Organization and
External Influences

The corporation towards to sustainable development is the process of creating value for all stakeholders. Furthermore, Cathay has transformed the idea of “corporate social responsibility ” into “corporate sustainability ” to elevate our vision. Cathay expect to become a backup for society and to create long-term value through the core abilities of financing
and risk prevention.
The corporation towards to sustainable development is the process of creating value for all stakeholders. Furthermore, Cathay has transformed the idea of “corporate social responsibility ” into “corporate sustainability ” to elevate our vision. Cathay expect to become a backup for society and to create long-term value through the core abilities of financing
and risk prevention.

Sustainable Impact

Cathay FHC has a profound understanding that creating long-term value for stakeholders is the foundation for corporate sustainability. As we pursue business growth, we not only create employment opportunities, increase the output value of the industry chain, and support the government in expanding development and benefits, but also create higher returns for investors. However, this may also result in an increase in our environmental footprint or natural resource consumption, and incur a social cost. Cathay FHC began working with the Center for Corporate Sustainability Impact of Tunghai University in 2018, and developed a 5C P&L assessment method based on the triple bottom line (TBL). The method assesses the social impact derived from Company's value chain activities from an outside in approach every two years, in hopes of minimizing the negative impact and maximizing the positive impact of its operations.

Furthermore, Cathay FHC continues to increase the depth and breadth of the overall methodology, so that the analysis results are more complete and reasonable. We extended considerations of value chain activities from environment externalities to biodiversity issues in 2019 based on the concept of life cycle assessment (LCA). With regard to downstream investments, we expanded the scope of survey in 2019 from investments in only the top ten industries to all industries. We also began developing localized coefficients suitable for each region of investment in order to accurately reflect local economic conditions and environment features. As for the upstream supply chain, starting in 2021, we began using the Input-Output Table announced by the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics in 2016, and retroactively updated historical calculation results. We began further assessing the employment opportunities created by procurements, and the compensation received by employees in our supply chain.


Established Cathay FHC Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee with five task forces
  • Set forth the Corporate Social Responsibility Code of Practice
  • Published the first CSR Report
  • Joined the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)
  • Established the CSR rewarding mechanism
  • Corporate sustainability training incorporated into new employee orientation
  • Responded to ESG messages from institutional investors
  • The CSR Committee was reestablished as the Corporate Sustainability (CS) Committee under the board and supervised by an independent director
  • Established the Responsible Investment Working Group
  • Responded to and was selected for the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI)
  • Became Taiwan's first signatory to the Equator Principles (EPs)
  • Acquired Conning, Inc., a PRI signatory
  • Cathay Life pledges to comply with the UN's Principles for Sustainable Insurance (PSI)
  • Convened a strategy advancement meeting with the six task forces and defined the four focus areas of sustainable development
  • Incorporated Social Return on Investment (SROI)
  • Became a signatory to Taiwan's Stewardship Principles for Institutional Investors
  • Cathay Century pledges to comply with the UN's Principles for Sustainable Insurance (PSI)
  • Dual secretaries instituted for the six task forces
  • Investigated the causality between sustainability and business performance
  • CUB pledges to comply with the UN's Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB)
  • Selected for the DJSI World Index
  • Cathay Life releases the first Stewardship Report in Taiwan
  • Audited all indexes within the CSR Report
  • Established the Corporate Sustainability Division
  • Updated the 2016 four focus areas of sustainable development
  • Began to follow the TCFD in 2017. The TCFD task force, led by the Chief Risk Officer, began to monitor climate-related risks in 2018.
  • Established the Corporate Sustainability Office under the Cathay FHC President's management
  • Reexamined the four focus areas and established "Climate, Health, and Empowerment" as the three new focus areas for strategic sustainable development
  • Investigated the link between sustainability actions and brand perception
  • Tied Cathay FHC President's remuneration package to sustainability performance
  • Pledged to comply with RE100. Aiming to achieve 100% use of renewable energy at our Taiwan facilities by 2030 and net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
  • Releases Cathay's first ESG Integration Report
  • CS Committee finalizes sustainability blueprint detailing the strategy and implementation of the three focus areas
  • Tied remuneration packages for presidents and senior executives to sustainability performance
  • Emission reduction targets officially verified by SBTi
  • Releases Cathay's first TCFD Report

Corporate Sustainability Principles and Corporate
Governance Best Practice Principles

After the establishment, the Cathay FHC Corporate Sustainability Committee then formulated “Cathay FHC Corporate Sustainability Principles” and “Cathay Financial Holdings Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles” with reference to “Corporate Social Responsibility Best Practice Principles for TWSE / GTSM Listed Companies” to allow colleagues to follow and manage practical behaviors on the economic, environmental and social aspects. Moreover, we also pay attention to the development of domestic and international corporate social responsibility system and corporate environmental changes, according to the review to improve the company’s corporate social responsibility system and norms.

Organization of Cathay FHC CS Committee



Cathay’s Declaration of Sustainability Values
Corporate Sustainability Principles
Cathay Financial Holding Co., Ltd.
Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles
Cathay Financial Holding Co., Ltd.