
智能客服中心讓客戶體驗再升級 台灣唯一獲國際肯定
Cathay FHC upholds "Integrity, Accountability, and Innovation" as core values, seeks to enter customer's daily lives through diverse channels and sound services, and fosters the company's service culture in all employees through robust training, investing in customer relations and protecting their interest to continue enhancing service quality. The Service Quality Committee at Cathay FHC formulates the group's service guidelines to uphold and protect customer rights and the principles of treating customers fairly. The committee regularly reviews service strategies and programs with subsidiaries and works with subsidiaries' Service Quality Teams to plan, promote, and track service improvement programs, exhibiting Cathay FHC's commitment to hearing customers' voices and providing them with outstanding service qualities. Subsidiaries have, based on the nature of their business, commissioned large, credible market research companies to conduct satisfaction surveys on topics including sales agents, telephone customer service, claims services, over-the-counter services, and online services to provide a basis for improving the service quality. For exact figures on Cathay FHC and its subsidiaries' customer satisfaction scores from 2020 to 2023, please refer to the table below.
為貫徹個人資料管理,國泰金控設有「個人資料管理委員會」,建置完善個人資料管理制度。面對變化迅速的新科技與新攻擊,積極為客戶權益嚴格把關,其下之主要子公司國泰人壽、國泰世華銀行及國泰產險接續通過「BS 10012:2017個人資料管理系統」國際標準認證,持續提升個資防護機制,提供客戶安全無虞的服務及系統環境。