


國泰金控宣佈與加拿大豐業銀行(The Bank of Nova Scotia)就收購其馬來西亞子行The Bank of Nova Scotia Berhad之100%股權達成協議,交易價金約為美金2.55億元,其中國泰世華銀行與國泰人壽將分別持有51%、49%股權,為其自2000年以來的海外擴張策略又邁進一步。




Cathay Announces Acquisition of The Bank of Nova Scotia’s Malaysian subsidiary

Cathay Financial Holding Co. Ltd. (“Cathay”), a leading financial conglomerate in Taiwan, today announced that it plans to purchase 100% equity interest in the Malaysian banking subsidiary of The Bank of Nova Scotia (“BNS”), The Bank of Nova Scotia Berhad (“BNSB”), for around US$255 million, marking another step in its overseas expansion since 2000.

Cathay United Bank (“CUB”) and Cathay Life, both the wholly owned subsidiaries of Cathay, had entered into an agreement with BNS and proposed to have CUB and Cathay Life acquire 51% and 49% stake in BNSB respectively.

This transaction will create significant strategic values to Cathay as Malaysia plays a vital role in the ASEAN region. Malaysia is the 3rd largest economy and trade nation in the region; and its GDP per capital of around US$10 thousand ranks number 3 in the region as well. Malaysia and Taiwan enjoy strong economic ties – Taiwan is the 6th largest trading partner of Malaysia and Malaysia is the 4th largest country attracting FDI from Taiwan. More than 1,750 Taiwanese companies have invested in Malaysia with a total investment around US$12.1 billion.

CUB has operated its Labuan Branch and Kuala Lumpur Marketing Office in the country for almost 20 years, and BNSB has three operation offices in Kuala Lumpur, Johor, and Penang. This transaction will make Cathay the first Taiwanese bank providing banking services in the onshore market and will make Cathay’s financial service platform in the ASEAN region more comprehensive.

This transaction is subject to customary approvals from Taiwanese and Malaysian regulators and is expected to close in the second half of 2017.