

國泰金控(下稱本公司)旗下子公司國泰人壽(下稱國壽)轉投資持股約37.33%之印尼Bank Mayapada(以下簡稱Mayapada或該行)今年以來陸續因為該行授信戶之一捲入當地國營保險公司弊案遭檢調起訴之牽累,加以受全球經濟衰退的負面衝擊以及金檢缺失影響,使該行面臨經營壓力,並被印尼主管機關要求增資。

經本公司審慎評估後,基於穩健原則決定修正國壽 109年上半年 Mayapada銀行應認列之「採用權益法認列之關聯企業損失」為稅前新台幣(下同)140億元,於扣除原已認列損失約52億後,增加認列損失88億元。有鑑於國壽財務體質強健,截至今年六月底,扣除前述認損金額後之股東權益為6,174億元,此一損失尚在可承受範圍內;國壽累積前七個月合併稅後淨利達315億,相較去年同期尚有增長29%



Cathay Financial Holdings Group Announcement for Investment Plans on Bank Mayapada Internasional, Tbk

Cathay Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (“Cathay Life”), a subsidiary of Cathay Financial Holdings (the “Company”), holds around 37.33% of outstanding shares of Bank Mayapada Internasional, Tbk (“Bank Mayapada”). Starting from early this year, Bank Mayapada continuously faces pressure in its operations as one of its customers was alleged being involved in corruption cases relating to an Indonesian state-owned insurance company, the impact from global economy recession , and the regulator's audit has identified a number of compliance deficiencies. The Indonesian regulator has asked Bank Mayapada to increase its capital.

The Company, after carefully evaluating current situation, decides to adjust the amount of Investment Loss Recognized under Equity Method in Cathay Life’s 2020H1 financial statements to TWD 14bn. The incremental Investment Loss Recognized under Equity Method is in an amount of TWD 8.8bn on top of the booked loss of TWD 5.2bn. Based on Cathay Life’s solid financial performance and considering Cathay Life's shareholders’ equity is booked in an amount of TWD 617.4bn as of June 30, 2020 after the adjustment, the recognized loss should be affordable. Cathay Life’s accumulated consolidated net income as of July 2020 is TWD 31.5bn with a 29% YoY growth.

Although Cathay Life has recognized the aforementioned investment loss, the Company is still in active talks with Indonesian governmental authorities whether the Company would participate in the improvement plan of Bank Mayapada. The details and investment structure of such plan should be subject to further discussion and the approvals of competent authorities in both Taiwan and Indonesia if the Company decides to participate in the improvement plan of Bank Mayapada.

Investors are advised to interpret market information with caution and rely only on formal announcements published by Cathay Group.